We do limit our bandwidth, and serve up only 5 gigabytes of images each month. If you would like more, then buy something from our advertisers, and then we can earn more from our banners to give you more free images.
After we reach 5 gigs, our site will shut down until the next month. If we have reached that limit, you wouldn't be seeing this page.
Each quarter, a whole new set of pictures will be posted. We feel you'll get more for free here than you get for $$ on many other sites.
Each and every photo you will see here was found in an area believed to be in the public domain. We never use a photo with a copyright on it, nor do we remove copyright notices. We don't take any photos from personal web pages. If, despite our precautions, we have a photo here that you feel belongs to you, and you would like it removed, please click here to notify us.
Thank you for reading this (you did read it, didn't you?), now feel free to proceed to this month's pictures.